Techniques to Sleep Better

So many of us complain about not being able to sleep well. People are starving for a sound sleep. Some of us lose it over our sales targets and the impending presentations at the office, and some over a fight with a friend. It’s surprising that all of it lead to the same sleeplessness.

We shall discuss some techniques today, which will help us sleep better. First and foremost – and slightly out of sync but not quite, is that through the day try not to hurt anyone verbally or otherwise, don’t be unreasonable, don’t lose temper, and avoid over reacting.

When we hit the bed our thoughts wander and go back to the happenings of the day. To sleep with a calm mind – calm thoughts are the secret. And calm thoughts can only result from a calm and peaceful day. So let’s learn to minimize complications through the day.

Nothing helps – From good music or PG Woodhouse if our mind is not into it. So the first technique is to understand to control the mind and actions. If we are able to even understand this to begin with, we are on our way to good sound sleep.

Learn Emotional Freedom Technique. It helps to balance your body’s bio-energy system and resolves emotional stresses that are contributing to the insomnia or sleeplessness problem at a deeper level. The results of EFT are typically long lasting and the improvement is remarkably rapid.

These days White Noise CDs are available which has all the natural noises that help to calm your mind. It has sounds of water flowing in the river, birds chirping, baby’s laughter etc.. They calm the mind. Eat a few hours before sleeping. Eat light. Heavy meals or Oily snacks are a bad option if you are trying to sleep better. Don’t use alarm clocks to wake up. They are absolutely un-necessary. The body wakes itself up when it has rested enough. Who needs an alarm clock? Try sleeping early and see if I am wrong.

Don’t watch TV while trying to sleep. It’s better to read. Something spiritual or bone tickling should put you to a calm sound sleep. Also check your bedroom for electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). These can actually disrupt the pineal gland and the production of melatonin and seratonin, and may have other negative effects as well. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, exercise, lose weight, and avoid food that you are sensitive to before going to bed…. The list is endless…..


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