Stress Relievers

Today, nearly all the people in the world complain of stress! Stress can be caused due to several factors like job, career, finances, relationships, studies, work, peer pressure, anxiety, illness, etc. Stress can be experienced by people of all age groups (yes, even children) and there is no escape from it. However, one should definitely find ways to reduce stress before it takes a toll on one's health. It should be noted that stress leads to migraine headaches, aggravates illnesses, allergies; increases blood pressure and can also lead to heart diseases. Therefore, one should look for stress relievers that help reduce stress immediately. There are several easy methods that help in getting rid of stress as soon as possible.

Best Stress Relievers

There are several easy methods that can help in quick stress relief. These methods are easy to follow and can help in managing stress for people of all age groups. The following are some of the easiest methods that help in stress management.

Deep Breathing
This is one of the simplest, yet most effective stress relievers at work. Whenever you feel stressed, you can close your eyes (at your desk itself), and breath deeply. Just concentrate on your breathing as it will help you relax. You should remember to completely shut out from the outside world when doing this to get maximum benefit.

Meditation has been advocated as one of the best among all the natural stress relievers and it has proved to be right. Once you learn the exact technique of meditation, you can practice it daily to reduce stress. Performing exercises or yoga have also been considered as the best stress relievers for men and women.

Have Some 'ME' Time
This is one thing that lacks in most of people. As people have turned workaholics, they do not have any time for themselves and hence, are constantly under stress. Other stress relievers for women and men include, pursuing a hobby, spending at least a half to an hour everyday doing the thing you like best. Watching TV, listening to music are also stress relievers for teenagers which should not be curbed. This ways, you can get out of the everyday causes of stress and still manage to lead a happy life.

Good Stress Relievers

Apart from the above mentioned ones, there are several other stress relievers for college students, kids and adults that are equally effective. The following is a list of such methods that help in stress management.
  • Learn time management
  • Have a balanced diet
  • Have a good sleep
  • Take a nap whenever possible
  • Have sex / communicate with your partner
  • Watch TV / movies / listen to music
  • Watch cartoon / share jokes / laugh
  • Hang out with family / friends / partner
  • Read inspirational books / light comedy / romance
  • Pray / visit a holy place / talk to your mentor
  • Take a walk / cycle / walk a dog
  • Swim / go for adventure sports
  • Take a vacation / go for picnic
  • Dance / cook / shop / paint
  • Play games / cards / solve puzzles
  • Undergo a makeover / go for spa / aromatherapy
These were some of the fun stress relievers for kids and adults. Any of these can be easily undertaken at home and most of them do not require more than a couple of minutes. If you are looking for herbal stress relievers, you can have green tea everyday as it is considered as one of the effective stress relievers. Secondly, products like peppermint and chamomile are also some of the herbal products that are believed to help in overcoming stress.

These were some of the best stress relievers known today, which are helpful to both, adults as well as kids. Lastly, one should note that it is advisable to look for stress relief as early as possible for prevention of life threatening diseases. Take care!


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