Stop Smoking Facts - What’s in a Cigarette That Kills

Do you know what’s inside that cigarette you are holding? You smoke 12 rolls of cigarette every day, breathe in the fumes, and enjoy the stress relief you feel. Yet, you never wonder what’s in that cigarette and how or why it makes you feel relaxed and carefree. Are they safe for your body, or not? The answer is, there are about 4000 poisonous chemicals contained in one cigarette roll, and you are too addicted to bothering them all.

Tobacco is the main ingredient found in cigarettes. Dried and crushed to make cigarettes sticks, these leaves are also added with several chemicals to keep the fire burning and provide the relaxing effects smokers want from it. From these added chemicals, there are about 51 of them identified to be cancer-causing, or carcinogenic. That is why most chained smokers get sick from cancer, usually lung cancer or laryngeal cancer.

Other than causing cancer, these chemicals are known to cause many other serious health problems such as increased blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, and pulmonary problems. If the smoker does not die with cancer, he would eventually die with severe health conditions associated to smoking.

Some harmful chemicals found in cigarettes are nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic, ammonia, acetone, cyanide and formaldehyde. Nicotine is the main reason why smokers feel immense pleasure when smoking. It causes lifelong addiction that makes quitting smoking much difficult. Also, it is primarily used as the main ingredient for insecticides. The chemical called tar is the reason why smoker’s lung blackens. Tar is on of the elements used to make roads, and this is deposited in a person’s lung for a long time. When inhaled in large amounts, carbon monoxide can make a person stop breathing. Oxygen levels in the blood are replaced with the poisonous carbon monoxide. On the other hand, used to poison rats is a chemical called Arsenic. Can you imagine that you just inhaled a chemical used to poison rats?

Not only that, ammonia can be found in cleansing products and it is used in cigarettes to release the nicotine and potentiate its effects. Acetone, you have probably seen this in your common household. This is a volatile substance used to remove nail polish. Cyanide is one of the deadly poisons used during the break of World War 2. The creepiest chemical found in cigarettes are formaldehyde, which you probably known, is utilized for preserving a dead body.

Do you want more? I bet seven poisonous chemicals are enough to make you realize how smoking is terribly damaging for yourself. Seven out of 4000 harmful chemicals, by now you should consider of stopping smoking. It will not hurt to quit; instead, it will give you thousands of incredible benefits.


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