Lose weight - fight Obesity

I bet you will never come across any worldly living being who would not like to own a healthy body. If you want to enjoy each and every moment of your life being an active participant in every field, then you need nothing but a healthy body. Today obesity has become one of the hot issues, which is making people spend money like anything.

Keep in mind, being obese is never same as being overweight. Being overweight, one can have good muscles and strong, big bones as that of a body builder, but it does not mean that he/she is obese. Obesity depends on factors such as environmental, genetic structure or inheritance, habits of the person, behavior and many more.

Imagine you and your friend are playing see-saw, to keep see-saw in perfect balance; your and your friend’s weight will have to be nearly same. Same is true with our body. We need energy to work, to perform our day to day tasks, and we get this energy from what we eat. If you follow the logic, we should eat in such a way that the energy generated by consumption of food that we ate and the energy we need for our work should be in balance. In simple words, let’s assume that you need 200 kcal of energy to perform your work, and if 20 gm of food can sufficiently provide the needed energy, then, you should eat 20 gm of food only, do not eat more than that, you can eat up to 22-23 gm but not more than that. And if you eat more than that, where do you think that energy will go? It simply will be stored in your body in the form of fats. This is where the problem comes into picture, if you go on eating extra food than you need each day the same way, you will have unnecessary stock of fat in your body, that’s how you start slowly creeping towards obesity.

Fighting obesity does not require you go to your physician and get your fat reduced by undergoing some freak surgery. There is simply a superb way to prevent our weight from increasing. First of all, if you are a Non-Vegetarian and don’t like an idea of give up eating egg, meat etc. please do not read further. Those who really want to lose weight, just remember one thing, stay away from the food that is not meant for human being. One should eat vegetables, without cooking them much. If you eat fresh fruits, vegetable salads, sprouts at least as a one time meal, I am sure you will lose weight by 3-5 kg in a month. Try it yourself, I promise it wont harm you, in fact you will be surprised to think that you were stupid enough to run for medicines, gadgets and surgeries.

There are few simple and practicable tips, which, if you follow, you will always be fit and fine.

1) Try to eat all types of vegetables, but do keep in mind, cooking destroys the important vitamins, minerals, proteins and leaves the food in such a condition where it can only fill your empty stomach and increase your weight by adding some more fat to your body and not give you the energy you need.
2) Do not go for food which contains heavy cholesterol content. Oily food, milk (its good for children but do not help adults)
3) Get up early and have some exercise. I know it won’t be easy for a working person to manage time enough for exercising and jogging, but one can break a chunk of 15 minutes from his/her day’s schedule, if you work out for 15 minutes a day, its sufficient to stay active whole day.
4) Avoid drinking liquors, soft drinks. Instead you can try fruit juices.
5) Those who can take out 15 minute time having their dinner, please walk along. Walking after having our dinner helps in digesting food that we eat.
6) A good sleep for 6-7 hours a day is more than sufficient for human beings. Do not have a nap at noon.

I would definitely like to know from you if there is anything which is not included in the above article and can help everyone lose weight.


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