Difference Between HIV and AIDS

One of most dreaded diseases of today is HIV/AIDS. There are over 25 million people infected with HIV worldwide. Although, one tends to say HIV/AIDS in one breath, both these conditions are different from one another. Many people have many different notions regarding the spread of HIV/AIDS. This article shall explain the difference between HIV and AIDS. This will help clear your mind of the many doubts regarding this life threatening disease.

What is HIV?

It is important that one understands each condition specifically, before I explain the difference between HIV and AIDS. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This is a specific group of virus that is transmitted from an infected human to a healthy individual. This virus cannot be transferred by insect bites such as mosquito bites or bed bug bites. Once a person is infected with the HIV virus, it weakens the immune system of the body. It attacks the CD4 lymphocytes or T cells of immune system. You can understand the path of infection in how HIV infects the T-Helped cells. This causes considerable damage to the strength of the body's immunity levels. As the immune system becomes weak, it becomes very easy for other infection causing organisms as well as cancers to attack the body. If a person gets infected with the virus, it will remain in his system forever. There is no medication, no cure for HIV virus till date. However, there are treatments that help control the progress of the disease and keep the infection limited to HIV. 

HIV virus is the culprit behind AIDS infection. The AIDS infection was first identified in 1981 in United States. By 1984, it was proved that HIV virus is the causative agent of AIDS infection. HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through the following ways:
  • Unprotected sex with an infected partner
  • Use of unsterilized needles for injecting drugs or sharing drug works with an infected person
  • Blood transfusion
  • From an infected mother to her baby before or during child birth and feeding breast milk
HIV is not transmitted through casual contact, working together with infected individuals, sneezing, coughing, sitting besides an HIV infected person, playing with HIV infected children, sharing meals as well as insect or bug bites. It is only transmitted through exposure to body fluids like blood, semen, vaginal discharge, breast milk and other body fluids that contain the virus.

A person infected with HIV needs to avoid risky behavior as he can spread the disease to many unsuspecting individuals. If one is infected with HIV, he/she should be honest with their sexual partner. Use of condoms during intercourse will help avoid spread of infection to healthy partner. You should speak to your doctor regarding the different ways with which you can prevent transmission of virus to healthy partner. Make sure you know all about how is HIV transmitted to avoid ruining another person's life.

After a person is infected with HIV, the first stage of the infection is called 'window period'. This is highly risky stage as the virus is not detectable during HIV test. Therefore, it is advisable that any person who is tested negative for HIV the first time after a risky behavior, should undergo the test again after 2 to 4 months. There may be a high viral load that can be very infectious. During the window period, one should avoid all types of risky behavior. Once the window period is crossed, the patient may begin to show the fist symptoms of HIV. These symptoms include fever, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, sore throat, skin rash as well as diarrhea. These symptoms are often mistaken for flu and the doctor may treat the condition like a common illness. However, in a few cases these are the early symptoms of HIV. Unfortunately, these symptoms progress to the acute stage of the infection.

The acute HIV symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, rapid weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue, shortness of breath, productive or unproductive cough, skin lesions like Kaposi's sarcoma, canker sores, depression, confusion, tingling in feet, hands, face, etc. If one does not seek HIV treatment, the disease will progress to AIDS. Let us now understand what is AIDS.

What is AIDS?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Deficiency Syndrome. This condition develops from an HIV infection. Until and unless one is not infected with HIV infection, he/she cannot get AIDS. It affects the immune system and makes it deficient in its normal functions. This condition is called a syndrome as there are many different diseases and infections affecting a person together. When many different symptoms of different diseases are spotted, it indicates AIDS. There is no specific test to detect AIDS. If one does not adhere to the antiviral treatment prescribed by the doctor, the HIV symptoms progress to develop AIDS. This a very important fact about AIDS. The time period taken for HIV to develop into AIDS is shorter is the person is infected with more than one type HIV virus, poor nutrition, old age as well as severe stress. Living a healthy lifestyle, adhering to the precautions advised by the doctor as well as a positive attitude will help prevent progression of HIV infection to AIDS. You can get more information in how can you get AIDS or HIV.

The Different Between HIV and AIDS

The table below will explain the difference between HIV and AIDS clearly. From the above information, it is now clear that HIV and AIDS are two absolutely different conditions. Let us now see the fine difference between HIV and AIDS.

Difference Between HIV and AIDS
HIV InfectionAIDS Infection
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency VirusAIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
A person found to be HIV positive will always remain HIV positive for lifeOnce AIDS develops the person will always have AIDS, even if the CD4 count goes up or they recover from a disease due to AIDS
HIV virus kills the CD4 lymphocytes or T cells of the immune systemThe CD4 count in a person with AIDS is below 200
HIV makes the person prone to various infections by opportunistic pathogens and cancersAIDS is a condition where the person suffers from several types of infections, Kaposi sarcoma, tuberculosis, wasting syndrome, etc.
HIV can be controlled using antiviralsAIDS is an advanced stage that occurs after 2 to 15 years of getting infected with HIV infection
There is no cure for HIV/AIDS till date. Antiviral therapy helps in prolonging the HIV infection from developing into AIDS as well prolong the life of an infected individual.

This was some information related to the difference between HIV and AIDS. Its is very important to know the various precautions to prevent the spread of HIV. A promising vaccines may help prevent HIV infection. However, the vaccine is still in its early stages and one cannot be sure of the outcome. The world is holding their breath with anticipation, that some one finds a breakthrough in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Till then, it is the moral responsibility of each individual towards their family, society as well as themselves to avoid risky behavior and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.


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