Cleansing Diets to Lose Weight

Whenever going for any of the below cleansing diets to lose weight, it is important to keep yourself free for the number of days the diet plan goes on for. Cleansing diets have many benefits. Basically these diets help to establish frequent bowel movements, and clean the body deeply from the inside. Some detox diets like colon or liver cleanse, help in even getting rid of gallstones. Such diets help in deeper cleansing, but need to be done with care. You can try any of the below mentioned cleansing diets that not only help to lose weight, but also to get rid of toxins out of your body and increase your energy level.

Best Cleansing Diets to Lose Weight

Master Cleanse Diet

The master cleanse diet, also called as the lemonade diet, is a good way to lose weight. It helps to get rid of toxins, and helps one to become thinner, healthier and full of energy. The ingredients used in the master cleanse diet are organic lemon juice, organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper and filtered water. With these simple ingredients, one can lose pounds and gain a lot of energy. There are many celebs who use this diet. Along with losing weight, one will detox their body. This diet helps to remove plaque and mucus out of the colon in long, black strings of waste. With this diet, one can also expel gallstones which are the sizes of marbles, and green yellow balls which is hardened cholesterol. To go for this diet, set aside ten days when you are not going to be busy. Some side effects associated with the master cleanse diet include hunger, aches, and irritability. Many people give up on this diet after a couple of days, and hence you will need to cope with the hunger pangs that will occur during this diet. Read more on lemonade diet recipe.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage soup diet is a very popular cleansing diet, which is used to lose weight. This diet can help to shed 5 to 20 pounds effortlessly. This diet is popular because it is easy to prepare. The soup prepared is low in calories, low in fat, and rich in fiber, and full of good nutrients. This diet is suggested to be followed for 7 days. This diet allows one to have cabbage soup as much as one wants to, and thus one doesn't have to starve while following this diet. This diet helps to establish frequent bowel movements, which means the body has begun to cleanse itself. The original 7 day cabbage soup diet ingredients are spring onions, green peppers, water, carrots, mushrooms, celery, cabbage, bouillon powder, and a seasoning which can be salt, pepper or parsley. Read more about, cabbage soup diet recipe

Liver Detox Diet

The liver is an important organ, that helps to filter toxin out of the bloodstream by chemically changing the toxins into harmless substance which are excreted out of the body. However, if the liver is unable to remove the harmful substances from the bloodstream many problems can occur like high cholesterol levels, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, etc. There are many herbal supplements, and free cleansing diets to lose weight which help in liver detox. To know more about the recipe go through liver cleansing diet.

These were three cleansing diets for weight loss. So, choose a diet which you think is easy and practical for you to perform. If you are allergic to something or have a health condition, then consult your doctor before following any of the above cleansing diets to lose weight.


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